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Welcome to Cobalt Fairy Audio

Cobalt Fairy Audio is an audio-book platform for your favorite books.

Here you can find exclusively and listen to all your favourite books from our Cobalt Fairy authors!
Don’t waste any more time, subscribe to our platform and begin listening now!
And don’t forget to check out our exciting tokens reward feature!


total audio-books available for you to listen


total audio-books available for you to listen

Choose between two plans

Currently we have two plans that

you can choose from

Free Membership

$0.00 /month

Premium Membership

$8.99 /month

More Listening,
More Cobalt Fairy Coins

Here in Cobalt Fairy, we value your time.

With this in mind and driven by our intention to reward each and every one of you for your support on our audiobooks, we created our very own Cobalt Fairy Coin that you can get by listening to our audiobooks.

The more you listen the more Cobalt Fairy Coins you’ll get!

Ain’t that awesome?

Wow! You have collected 345 cobalt fairy coins in total which means you can buy two books of your choice with them!

How many tokens will I get?

This is the best part of being a member. As a Cobal Fairy Audio member, you will get rewarded with 1 Cobalt Fairy Coin for every chapter you listen out of our very rich catalogue, and not only for selected audiobooks, but for every book!

But what can I do with it?

When we created this token it was important for us to offer you something more than another useless in-platform currency.

So, not only you can use your Cobalt Fairy Coins to buy audiobooks from our catalogue, or even pay your monthly subscription, but you can even exchange them for actual money!

Yes! This is not a joke! You can exchange the Cobalt Fairy Coins you earn with USD that can be transferred to your bank account!

Can I see how many Cobalt Fairy Coins I have?

Of course you can. These Cobalt Fairy Coins are yours so you can always check them In your own wallet!

Visit your account and check your wallet balance. From there you can be informed on the total amount of Cobalt Fairy Coins you have earned and decide what you want to do with them.

And if you are asking how can you get more coins…well of course there is a way!

We have tremendous belief in our platform and we want to spread the word as much as we can. So for each friend you will invite and who will subscribe to a premium membership in our platform we will reward both you AND your friend with 5000 tokens!


You have not collected any cobalt fairy coins. You can do so by listening to out audiobooks. To do so, navigate to our catalogue page!

Audio Cobalt Fairy App

Now with our Audio Cobalt Fairy App you can listen to your favorite audiobooks from your mobile phone or tablet!
No matter where you are, all you need is internet access to listen to your favorite stories!

Visit your app store to download our App and take a walk in the park listening to the Cobalt Fairy audiobook you love most!

We love books as much as you do.

It’s not always easy to squeeze some peaceful reading time in our busy lives these days. But as we spend so much time in buses, trains or even cars while going to our daily obligations, what could be better than listening to our favorite books at the same time!

Even our daily workout routine can become much more interesting for bookworms like us, when listening to the exciting adventures of our most beloved protagonists! Join us on our new audiobook platform and fill your day with the adventures and lovely romance stories of our protagonists in audio format!

Great audiobooks to start with

This product category can only be viewed by members.

Disciplined by the Highlander

by Lydia Kendall


A Siren’s Song to Mend the Wounded Earl

by Hazel Linwood


A Beauty to Seduce the Beastly Duke

by Harriet Caves


A Charming Cavalryman for Clementine

by Hanna Hamilton


Vengeful Justice

by Freya Atwood


Dangerous Games of a Broken Lady

by Emma Linfield


Her Highland Prophecy

by Eloise Madigan


For the Love of a Wounded Cowboy

by Cassidy Hanton

Here's some questions that you may have

Is there a free trial?
We currently do not provide a free trial but each free user can listen to all our free books until they subscribe to the premium plan.

How much does Cobalt Fairy Audio cost?
We currently have two different plan options: Listen to all our free books, just by creating a free account. OR $8.99/month for access to the entire Cobalt Fairy book catalogue.

Do I have to commit for any period of time?

There are no commitments. You can easily cancel your membership at anytime. 

Do you have more questions?

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