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 32 Coins
Disciplined by the Highlander

by Lydia Kendall

 37 Coins
A Siren’s Song to Mend the Wounded Earl

by Hazel Linwood

 24 Coins
A Beauty to Seduce the Beastly Duke

by Harriet Caves

 37 Coins
A Charming Cavalryman for Clementine

by Hanna Hamilton

 31 Coins
Vengeful Justice

by Freya Atwood

 35 Coins
Dangerous Games of a Broken Lady

by Emma Linfield

 36 Coins
Her Highland Prophecy

by Eloise Madigan

 32 Coins
For the Love of a Wounded Cowboy

by Cassidy Hanton

 41 Coins
Sinful Persuasion of a Lady in the Making

by Ava MacAdams

 23 Coins
How to Love a Beastly Duke

by Tiffany Baton

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