
Dangerous Games of a Broken Lady

by Emma Linfield

by Emma Linfield

Clean Regency & Victorian
Historical Romance

About this Audiobook

Adelaide has it all. Youth, a loving family, an unconventional personality and a serious misconception about true love that makes her betrothed, the Duke of Bradford, a very dangerous man. However, shortly after her betrothal, she discovers she is in love with her friend since childhood, Jasper Fitzwilliam.

Jasper, the handsome Viscount Gillet, tries to warn Adelaide about the Duke but his efforts are fruitless: it’s too late now to call off the engagement. The evil Duke knows a well-kept secret — the financial ruination of Adelaide’s family — and threatens to destroy everyone she loves if they don’t comply with his sadistic wishes.

In this quest for salvation, where the stakes are high and time is his enemy, Jasper is the only one who can save her family…by offering his own sacrifice.


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