
Torn Between Two Highlanders

by Lydia Kendall

by Lydia Kendall

Historical Romance
Scottish & Medieval

About this Audiobook

From the first moment she saw him, she has been dancing with the devil…

When Ellen Holton’s father dies, she faces yet another adversity: for her father to forge the business alliance he always wanted, she must marry the son of a Scottish Laird. But arriving at the Highlands she discovers two brothers and, unfortunately, she falls for the wrong one…

Alexander Golgow, the youngest of Laird Elairon’s sons, is a man of honor and a true Highland warrior. But the moment he first lays his eyes on his brother’s bride, he feels torn between his duty and his heart.

However, trying to escape the luring erotic ropes slowly embracing them is more difficult than they think…

When Ellen realizes her father’s death was not an accident, her life changes for the third time. Now she and Alexander must quickly uncover the one behind all misfortunes—the one person who has been pulling the strings right from the very start.


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